Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Virtual Life Games -Live Life How You Want!_38306

Gone are the ways where wishes had to have wings in order to fly; today, you can choose your own destiny, design and chart it. You can really be anyone you want to be, virtually speaking.

A common component in real life is the inevitability of mistakes, and the irreplaceable nature of wasted time. Most mistakes of course can be corrected but oftentimes, nature or time doesn抰 permit that ?it抯 either you can抰 correct that particular mistake or, there is little or no time or opportunity to do so.

Consider yourself in real life, all that you wish you could be, all the things that you are not: tall, handsome, pretty, successful by any standards, have any ethnicity/skin of your choice. That day could really come to pass sooner if you exited the real world, assume an alter ego and became a citizen of the virtual one.

The developers of virtual life games must have capitalized on the human need for total control - to be whoever they want to be - and gave them this power on a platter of gold in the virtual realm.

Virtual life games enable its citizens, also called players, to be able to have control of their virtual lives. With the help of 3D text/characters called avatars, the players are able to interact with one another as they would in real life.

The beauty of virtual games is that is allows for the imagination to be explored.

Real events and elements are fused with pure fantasy and fairytales to create the best of both worlds. This means that everything thing follows the real world timing format and order but then fantasy and imagination is allowed to run wild and take it further.

In a simulated world, reality can only be enacted to a certain degree that often times is very similar to the real deal but, since citizens of the virtual world are also from the real world, interaction between them purely dependent on their respective intelligence levels. This means that anything obtains.

Basically virtual life games opens doors to a whole new possibilities. It is like the ability to create a better extension of your current self, you meet new/exciting people, go to new exciting places, explore, etc. A second chance to do all that you wished you could do or undo; it gives you the options to live life exactly how you want it, devoid of mistakes, again and again.

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