Thursday, February 23, 2012

Harriet's cheerful look

Harriet's cheerful look and manner established hers: she came back, not to think of Mr. Martin, but to talk of Mr. Elton. Miss Nash had been telling her something, which she repeated immediately with great delight. Mr. Perry had been to Mrs. Goddard's to attend a sick child, and Miss Nash had seen him, and he had told Miss Nash, that as he was coming back yesterday from Clayton Park, he had met Mr. Elton, and found to his great surprize, that Mr. Elton was actually on his road to London, and not meaning to return till the morrow, though it was the whist-club night, which he had been never known to miss before; and Mr. Perry had remonstrated with him about it, and told him how shabby it was in him, their best player, to absent himself, and tried very much to persuade him to put off his journey only one day; but it would not do; Mr. Elton had been determined to go on, and had said in a very particular way indeed, that he was going on business which he would not put off for any inducement in the world; and something about a very enviable commission, and being the bearer of something exceedingly precious. Mr. Perry could not quite understand him, but he was very sure there must be a lady in the case, and he told him so; and Mr. Elton only looked very conscious and smiling, and rode off in great spirits. Miss Nash had told her all this, and had talked a great deal more about Mr. Elton; and said, looking so very significantly at her, `that she did not pretend to understand what his business might be, but she only knew that any woman whom Mr. Elton could prefer, she should think the luckiest woman in the world; for, beyond a doubt, Mr. Elton had not his equal for beauty or agreeableness.'
Mr. Knightley might quarrel with her, but Emma could not quarrel with herself. He was so much displeased, that it was longer than usual before he came to Hartfield again; and when they did meet, his grave looks shewed that she was not forgiven. She was sorry, but could not repent. On the contrary, her plans and proceedings were more and more justified and endeared to her by the general appearances of the next few days.
The Picture, elegantly framed, came safely to hand soon after Mr. Elton's return, and being hung over the mantelpiece of the common sitting-room, he got up to look at it, and sighed out his half sentences of admiration just as he ought; and as for Harriet's feelings, they were visibly forming themselves into as strong and steady an attachment as her youth and sort of mind admitted. Emma was soon perfectly satisfied of Mr. Martin's being no otherwise remembered, than as he furnished a contrast with Mr. Elton, of the utmost advantage to the latter.
Her views of improving her little friend's mind, by a great deal of useful reading and conversation, had never yet led to more than a few first chapters, and the intention of going on to-morrow. It was much easier to chat than to study; much pleasanter to let her imagination range and work at Harriet's fortune, than to be labouring to enlarge her comprehension or exercise it on sober facts; and the only literary pursuit which engaged Harriet at present, the only mental provision she was making for the evening of life, was the collecting and transcribing all the riddles of every sort that she could meet with, into a thin quarto of hot-pressed paper, made up by her friend, and ornamented with ciphers and trophies.
In this age of literature, such collections on a very grand scale are not uncommon. Miss Nash, head-teacher at Mrs. Goddard's, had written out at least three hundred; and Harriet, who had taken the first hint of it from her, hoped, with Miss Woodhouse's help, to get a great many more. Emma assisted with her invention, memory and taste; and as Harriet wrote a very pretty hand, it was likely to be an arrangement of the first order, in form as well as quantity.
Mr. Woodhouse was almost as much interested in the business as the girls, and tried very often to recollect something worth their putting in. `So many clever riddles as there used to be when he was young - he wondered he could not remember them! but he hoped he should in time.' And it always ended in `Kitty, a fair but frozen maid.'




                           A ROSE FROM HOMER'S GRAVE

                           by Hans Christian Andersen

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    ALL the songs of the east speak of the love of the nightingale for

the rose in the silent starlight night. The winged songster

serenades the fragrant flowers.

    Not far from Smyrna, where the merchant drives his loaded

camels, proudly arching their long necks as they journey beneath the

lofty pines over holy ground, I saw a hedge of roses. The

turtle-dove flew among the branches of the tall trees, and as the

sunbeams fell upon her wings, they glistened as if they were

mother-of-pearl. On the rose-bush grew a flower, more beautiful than

them all, and to her the nightingale sung of his woes; but the rose

remained silent, not even a dewdrop lay like a tear of sympathy on her

leaves. At last she bowed her head over a heap of stones, and said,

"Here rests the greatest singer in the world; over his tomb will I

spread my fragrance, and on it I will let my leaves fall when the

storm scatters them. He who sung of Troy became earth, and from that

earth I have sprung. I, a rose from the grave of Homer, am too lofty

to bloom for a nightingale." Then the nightingale sung himself to

death. A camel-driver came by, with his loaded camels and his black

slaves; his little son found the dead bird, and buried the lovely

songster in the grave of the great Homer, while the rose trembled in

the wind.

    The evening came, and the rose wrapped her leaves more closely

round her, and dreamed: and this was her dream.

    It was a fair sunshiny day; a crowd of strangers drew near who had

undertaken a pilgrimage to the grave of Homer. Among the strangers was

a minstrel from the north, the home of the clouds and the brilliant

lights of the aurora borealis. He plucked the rose and placed it in

a book, and carried it away into a distant part of the world, his

fatherland. The rose faded with grief, and lay between the leaves of

the book, which he opened in his own home, saying, "Here is a rose

from the grave of Homer."

    Then the flower awoke from her dream, and trembled in the wind.

A drop of dew fell from the leaves upon the singer's grave. The sun

rose, and the flower bloomed more beautiful than ever. The day was

hot, and she was still in her own warm Asia. Then footsteps

approached, strangers, such as the rose had seen in her dream, came

by, and among them was a poet from the north; he plucked the rose,

pressed a kiss upon her fresh mouth, and carried her away to the

home of the clouds and the northern lights. Like a mummy, the flower

now rests in his "Iliad," and, as in her dream, she hears him say,

as he opens the book, "Here is a rose from the grave of Homer."

Mr. Knightley presently

I have always thought it a very foolish intimacy,' said Mr. Knightley presently, `though I have kept my thoughts to myself; but I now perceive that it will be a very unfortunate one for Harriet. You will puff her up with such ideas of her own beauty, and of what she has a claim to, that, in a little while, nobody within her reach will be good enough for her. Vanity working on a weak head, produces every sort of mischief. Nothing so easy as for a young lady to raise her expectations too high. Miss Harriet Smith may not find offers of marriage flow in so fast, though she is a very pretty girl. Men of sense, whatever you may chuse to say, do not want silly wives. Men of family would not be very fond of connecting themselves with a girl of such obscurity - and most prudent men would be afraid of the inconvenience and disgrace they might be involved in, when the mystery of her parentage came to be revealed. Let her marry Robert Martin, and she is safe, respectable, and happy for ever; but if you encourage her to expect to marry greatly, and teach her to be satisfied with nothing less than a man of consequence and large fortune, she may be a parlour-boarder at Mrs. Goddard's all the rest of her life - or, at least, (for Harriet Smith is a girl who will marry somebody or other,) till she grow desperate, and is glad to catch at the old writing-master's son.'
`We think so very differently on this point, Mr. Knightley, that there can be no use in canvassing it. We shall only be making each other more angry. But as to my letting her marry Robert Martin, it is impossible; she has refused him, and so decidedly, I think, as must prevent any second application. She must abide by the evil of having refused him, whatever it may be; and as to the refusal itself, I will not pretend to say that I might not influence her a little; but I assure you there was very little for me or for any body to do. His appearance is so much against him, and his manner so bad, that if she ever were disposed to favour him, she is not now. I can imagine, that before she had seen any body superior, she might tolerate him. He was the brother of her friends, and he took pains to please her; and altogether, having seen nobody better (that must have been his great assistant) she might not, while she was at Abbey-Mill, find him disagreeable. But the case is altered now. She knows now what gentlemen are; and nothing but a gentleman in education and manner has any chance with Harriet.'
`Nonsense, errant nonsense, as ever was talked!' cried Mr. Knightley. - `Robert Martin's manners have sense, sincerity, and good-humour to recommend them; and his mind has more true gentility than Harriet Smith could understand.'
Emma made no answer, and tried to look cheerfully unconcerned, but was really feeling uncomfortable and wanting him very much to be gone. She did not repent what she had done; she still thought herself a better judge of such a point of female right and refinement than he could be; but yet she had a sort of habitual respect for his judgment in general, which made her dislike having it so loudly against her; and to have him sitting just opposite to her in angry state, was very disagreeable. Some minutes passed in this unpleasant silence, with only one attempt on Emma's side to talk of the weather, but he made no answer. He was thinking. The result of his thoughts appeared at last in these words.
`Robert Martin has no great loss - if he can but think so; and I hope it will not be long before he does. Your views for Harriet are best known to yourself; but as you make no secret of your love of match-making, it is fair to suppose that views, and plans, and projects you have; - and as a friend I shall just hint to you that if Elton is the man, I think it will be all labour in vain.'
Emma laughed and disclaimed. He continued,
`Depend upon it, Elton will not do. Elton is a very good sort of man, and a very respectable vicar of Highbury, but not at all likely to make an imprudent match. He knows the value of a good income as well as any body. Elton may talk sentimentally, but he will act rationally. He is as well acquainted with his own claims, as you can be with Harriet's. He knows that he is a very handsome young man, and a great favourite wherever he goes; and from his general way of talking in unreserved moments, when there are only men present, I am convinced that he does not mean to throw himself away. I have heard him speak with great animation of a large family of young ladies that his sisters are intimate with, who have all twenty thousand pounds apiece.'
`I am very much obliged to you,' said Emma, laughing again. `If I had set my heart on Mr. Elton's marrying Harriet, it would have been very kind to open my eyes; but at present I only want to keep Harriet to myself. I have done with match-making indeed. I could never hope to equal my own doings at Randalls. I shall leave off while I am well.'

In the forest the wonderful plant still continued to bloom till it grew

In the forest the wonderful plant still continued to bloom till it

grew and became almost a tree, and all the birds of passage bowed

themselves before it.

    "That plant is a foreigner, no doubt," said the thistles and the

burdocks. "We can never conduct ourselves like that in this

country." And the black forest snails actually spat at the flower.

    Then came the swineherd; he was collecting thistles and shrubs

to burn them for the ashes. He pulled up the wonderful plant, roots

and all, and placed it in his bundle. "This will be as useful as any,"

he said; so the plant was carried away.

    Not long after, the king of the country suffered from the

deepest melancholy. He was diligent and industrious, but employment

did him no good. They read deep and learned books to him, and then the

lightest and most trifling that could be found, but all to no purpose.

Then they applied for advice to one of the wise men of the world,

and he sent them a message to say that there was one remedy which

would relieve and cure him, and that it was a plant of heavenly origin

which grew in the forest in the king's own dominions. The messenger

described the flower so that is appearance could not be mistaken.

    Then said the swineherd, "I am afraid I carried this plant away

from the forest in my bundle, and it has been burnt to ashes long ago.

But I did not know any better."

    "You did not know, any better! Ignorance upon ignorance indeed!"

    The poor swineherd took these words to heart, for they were

addressed to him; he knew not that there were others who were

equally ignorant. Not even a leaf of the plant could be found. There

was one, but it lay in the coffin of the dead; no one knew anything

about it.

    Then the king, in his melancholy, wandered out to the spot in

the wood. "Here is where the plant stood," he said; "it is a sacred

place." Then he ordered that the place should be surrounded with a

golden railing, and a sentry stationed near it.

    The botanical professor wrote a long treatise about the heavenly

plant, and for this he was loaded with gold, which improved the

position of himself and his family.

    And this part is really the most pleasant part of the story. For

the plant had disappeared, and the king remained as melancholy and sad

as ever, but the sentry said he had always been so.

I saw her answer! - nothing could be clearer.'

Oh! to be sure,' cried Emma, `it is always incomprehensible to a man that a woman should ever refuse an offer of marriage. A man always imagines a woman to be ready for any body who asks her.'
`Nonsense! a man does not imagine any such thing. But what is the meaning of this? Harriet Smith refuse Robert Martin? madness, if it is so; but I hope you are mistaken.'
`I saw her answer! - nothing could be clearer.'
`You saw her answer! - you wrote her answer too. Emma, this is your doing. You persuaded her to refuse him.'
`And if I did, (which, however, I am far from allowing) I should not feel that I had done wrong. Mr. Martin is a very respectable young man, but I cannot admit him to be Harriet's equal; and am rather surprized indeed that he should have ventured to address her. By your account, he does seem to have had some scruples. It is a pity that they were ever got over.'
`Not Harriet's equal!' exclaimed Mr. Knightley loudly and warmly; and with calmer asperity, added, a few moments afterwards, `No, he is not her equal indeed, for he is as much her superior in sense as in situation. Emma, your infatuation about that girl blinds you. What are Harriet Smith's claims, either of birth, nature or education, to any connexion higher than Robert Martin? She is the natural daughter of nobody knows whom, with probably no settled provision at all, and certainly no respectable relations. She is known only as parlour-boarder at a common school. She is not a sensible girl, nor a girl of any information. She has been taught nothing useful, and is too young and too simple to have acquired any thing herself. At her age she can have no experience, and with her little wit, is not very likely ever to have any that can avail her. She is pretty, and she is good tempered, and that is all. My only scruple in advising the match was on his account, as being beneath his deserts, and a bad connexion for him. I felt that, as to fortune, in all probability he might do much better; and that as to a rational companion or useful helpmate, he could not do worse. But I could not reason so to a man in love, and was willing to trust to there being no harm in her, to her having that sort of disposition, which, in good hands, like his, might be easily led aright and turn out very well. The advantage of the match I felt to be all on her side; and had not the smallest doubt (nor have I now) that there would be a general cry-out upon her extreme good luck. Even your satisfaction I made sure of. It crossed my mind immediately that you would not regret your friend's leaving Highbury, for the sake of her being settled so well. I remember saying to myself, ``Even Emma, with all her partiality for Harriet, will think this a good match.'''
`I cannot help wondering at your knowing so little of Emma as to say any such thing. What! think a farmer, (and with all his sense and all his merit Mr. Martin is nothing more,) a good match for my intimate friend! Not regret her leaving Highbury for the sake of marrying a man whom I could never admit as an acquaintance of my own! I wonder you should think it possible for me to have such feelings. I assure you mine are very different. I must think your statement by no means fair. You are not just to Harriet's claims. They would be estimated very differently by others as well as myself; Mr. Martin may be the richest of the two, but he is undoubtedly her inferior as to rank in society. - The sphere in which she moves is much above his. - It would be a degradation.'
`A degradation to illegitimacy and ignorance, to be married to a respectable, intelligent gentleman-farmer!'
`As to the circumstances of her birth, though in a legal sense she may be called Nobody, it will not hold in common sense. She is not to pay for the offence of others, by being held below the level of those with whom she is brought up. - There can scarcely be a doubt that her father is a gentleman - and a gentleman of fortune. - Her allowance is very liberal; nothing has ever been grudged for her improvement or comfort. - That she is a gentleman's daughter, is indubitable to me; that she associates with gentlemen's daughters, no one, I apprehend, will deny. - She is superior to Mr. Robert Martin.'

Monday, February 20, 2012

100 Ways To Make Money -Which Are The Best-_67840

When people need money, they often think about different ways to make money. Making money can bring immediate or long term effects depending on the investment that people placed. There may be 100 ways to make money whether online or not but people usually ask what the best ways to make money are. Due to the existence and further development of Internet, there are now many online merchants and marketers because online marketing is one of the best ways to make money now. This is due to the fact that Internet gives larger market not limited to one place only but all the countries all over the world.

So what are the best ways in making money online? Believe it or not, there are many online jobs and opportunities out there that are available and people just have to search for them. These opportunities involve selling in different forms.

One best way to make money is by selling some write ups to companies that look for writers. The topics may be anything in this world but usually the writers are given the chance to choose for the topic that they like. These write ups may range from simple articles to research papers and the payment depends on how intensive and how long the articles or researches are.

Another way is by being a virtual assistant. People interested in this type of job should have administrative skills like time management and correct prioritization in the things that need to be done. Virtual assistants can work for many people in different countries and this is the beauty of the job. The communication is through email, private messaging, and even by the use of telephone. The job to be done will be sent through these ways. Virtual assistant jobs can be seen in sites that offer freelance jobs but people need to bid for the jobs first and when the bid wins, the job will be given to the one who owns the bid.

Affiliate marketing is also popular nowadays. This is a commission-based job depending on the nature of the product. There are sites that offer affiliate marketing through products sold only and there are some through referral program. Sites with referral program works like a network that people up to fourth or fifth degree of referral can get commissions whenever there are products sold. So this is more of a team work for them. If those involved in affiliate marketing are good sellers, they will get high commissions.

Another way is turning the hobby into income. People get to enjoy doing their hobbies at the same time get money from them. Popular hobbies that are used as source of extra income are scrapbooking and other craft-related hobbies. Scrapbooking has become popular because of its beauty. Many people are now engaged in this craft and some of them make greeting cards out of the materials used in scrapbooking. Some offer services in scrapbook making and some sell their works.

So whatever job people choose, they should remember to plan for strategy and make sure that the field is in their expertise or interest.

10 Ways To Successfully Build A List_66406

Doing business the traditional way or online would not be complete without clients or customers. Whether you抮e selling a product or service, you will always have to attract people to what you抮e offering and encourage them to take action. Generating more clients is a priority for any business and should be done consistently.

There are easy ways you can build your list of regular customers or opt-in list online. You can start with one and then as you get positive feedback, you can try the other methods.

1. Offer a free newsletter. This newsletter method is very effective in building your list especially if it contains valuable information that people can use in their daily lives as well as engaging graphics and images. Sharing tips and strategies as well as interesting topics will make your newsletter attractive to people.

2. Provide a subscription form. You can offer your newsletter through a subscription. You can do this by providing a form on your site where visitors can register their name and email address in exchange for a free newsletter. Include a short description of what your newsletter is about.

3. Ensure quality content. Quality is what most web users look for in the sites that they visit and in the information (articles, blog posts, etc.) that they read. Quality content means information that is useful and interesting to read. Something that can influence people in their daily lives.

4. Post engaging articles. Providing well written and interesting articles is one surefire way of attracting people. You can post them not only your site but in other free article directories as well where you will be exposed to a bigger audience.

5. Write an ebook. An ebook need not be very detailed or professionally written. You can include a compilation of your best articles or tips and techniques. This is one great bonus you can give to your loyal subscribers and a good way to attract more subscribers. You can also offer this as a giveaway for any special event of your friends who have their own websites.

6. Launch an event. If you have the resources, you can organize even just a small event to gather like-minded people. As you promote this event on your site and other websites, you are sure to spark the curiosity of other people and get them to register.

7. Join forums. By taking part in discussion boards or forums, you can establish relationships with other members and eventually build your list.

8. Offer useful products. Make sure that what you offer to people is something useful in their lives. People nowadays want to get their money抯 worth.

9. Join social media sites. Create an account in Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and follow people to build your list.

10. Establish friendship with subscribers. If you make friends with your own list, you can get them to spread the word with their own list.

10 Ways To Raise Your Site In Google- And In Alternative Search Engines, Too_65276

This is not a manipulation game-Google fully hates that game and can punish you for it-which is perhaps what the darker part of the SEO world sells. Smart, in-bounds SEO is created up of smart, user-and-search-engine friendly techniques. Think of SEO as a performance-enhancing drug-one that will not get you kicked out of baseball.

That being said, there are masses of things webmasters can do to help their sites perform higher in search, thus this list is not by an extended shot finished. It is, though, what we have a tendency to think are the top 10 strategies for higher search engine by "search engine" I mean "Google" - placement.

1. Title tags

Listed by others collectively of the Massive Three (tags, links, and text), we're putting title tags at the top. The words within the title tag seem in the link that pops up within the search result. This is often where you tell the search engine (and therefore the would-be visitor) as succinctly as doable what needs to be known: company or publication name; relevant, targeted keyword or keyword phrase taken from the text of the page. Every page should have a title tag as Google ranks every page individually, not the site in its entirety.

2. Content

The order of the Big 3 is terribly debatable, but extremely they work as parts of the entire; not one among them can be overlooked if the machine is to figure properly. In this case, you probably perceive that content ought to be quality, but that's outlined, however it ought to conjointly be wealthy in the keywords you are targeting to drive search traffic. That doesn't mean just throwing them in there like you are cooking up a pot of SEO gumbo, though. Keyword use and keyword variation should be natural and not overstuffed. For the visual text half of the page, specialize in operating within the relevant words and phrases you wish individuals to seek out you for.

3. Quality Links

Or additional specifically, back links, links to your website from outside sources. Links are your letters of recommendation. If no one's recommending you, or the recommendations appear phony, then it will not work. Authority links are weighted most heavily, of course, therefore strive to urge business-related authority sites to link to your site.

4. Amount Links

Authority (top quality) links are by nature a lot of troublesome to urge, therefore you may have to begin some other place unless you have already got the whole recognition you would like from square one. Several SEOers propose "link-swaps" to every different and it was once common trade to shop for and sell links. But as Google demonstrated last Fall, you can't obtain Google's love that way. After all, you'll get the other of love. So, strive to get as several links as you'll from trade peers the nice old school approach - by promoting. Submit links to respected directories like DMOZ and Yahoo, as well. A massive burst of low-quality, non-authoritative, or bad-neighborhood links, though, will do a lot additional damage than smart; so keep things natural.

5. URL

The importance of the URL is usually debated, however one argument seems to make a lot of sense than the others. Search engines do not like too many parameters in the URL (easy to confuse the spiders with & and ?) and individuals cannot browse those long URLs and tell what they mean at a look either. The folks side here is very necessary, because they're the ones clicking and they need to perceive where a link leads them at a millisecond glance. Lesson: keywords within the URL are a good idea.

6. Spider Food

Search spiders eat HTML, not Flash. They eat text, not pictures. Make the spiders happy with HTML and heaps of text to eat.

7. Site Architecture

There's a lot to think about here, however the goal is creating a web site spiders can easily access, a site that tells them where to go and what to index. Sitemaps are important for this purpose, as is proper use of Robots.txt.

8. Frequently Updated Content

You'll start a site, slap some content on it, and let it sit there in cyber space. It'll be indexed, most likely. But you really expand your credibility as a loyal, relevant source if you update regularly. In addition to spiders, it offers people a reason to come back, too.

9. Begin a Blog

A nice way to determine yourself as an authority voice on the Net is to begin a blog regarding the business you're in. Maintaining a blog means that another entry purpose with frequently updated content that eventually with some authority helps pull up the most web site via targeted links to the positioning, or specific pages among the site. It is not a spam blog, which will be zapped eventually, if there's helpful content on it and bonafide linking.

10. Do not Forget Humans

This is often thus important, it most likely should be higher up on the list. There's an art to planning a site that is friendly to both Google crawlers and also the people you ultimately wish to convert. Without individuals, what's the point? Thus initial design for them, and then tweak to please the spiders, not the opposite method around. Jakob Nielsen may be a usability guru you will want to test out. He's been telling folks how make user-centric websites since net directories were still phonebooks-you know, on paper.

10 Ways To Protect Yourself From Internet Fraud_66079

10 Ways You Can Protect Your Wallet Before You Make That Next Great Buy at Any Auction Site:

1. The Old Clich? "If It Looks too Good It Is." It's as true today as it was years ago. A Too-cheap price probably means just that. Check retail prices at stores or look at price comparison sites for a realistic number. If it's too cheap or the price is just unbelievable, say goodbye to your cash.

2. Location of the Item. Many new con-artists list an item for sale here in the US, but after you have agreed on a price reveals that you must wire your money to an overseas location. Dealing with overseas sellers is risky and it can be tough for U.S. Law enforcement to prosecute international cases. Don't send your money to addresses not listed in the original ad. Chances are you just donated your cash to an individual you will never hear from again.

3. Go to This Site for a Better Deal. If a seller tells you that you can save money if you go to this new website......all the red flags should go up in your head. If they lure you away from the original auction site, you are being set up. Websites are put up and taken down quickly. These scams get your money quickly and leave no forwarding address.

4. Escrow Watch. Avoid online escrow services that require you to set up accounts with online payment services. Escrow services are in the business of taking money and should be equipped to do so. If an online escrow service states that they comply with US Financial and Business Code, you know it's a phony set up. There is no such code!

5. Push Plastic. The safest way to pay is by using your credit card. Most credit card companies provide charge-back protections. Don't do business with sellers who say they accept credit cards but later tell you that you must use your credit card to do a wire transfer. Wire transfers of this nature have no protection. The con-artist knows this and is literally banking on the fact that you don't!

6. Don't Give out Personal Information. I know this sounds simple. But you'd be surprised how often you can be tricked into giving out information like your Social Security number, driver's license, date of birth, etc. Most auction sites don't need this information to process your credit card. If you are required to give this information out or you've been told the auction site will close your
account...don't buy it. You are being set up for identity fraud and could lose thousands of dollars before you stop the damage.

7. Limit Your Exposure. It's not such a bad idea to get a credit card with a low limit. Use this card only for online purchases and your losses will be limited (perhaps $2,000.00 instead of $15,000.00).

8. Beware of a Competitive Bidder. That's right. Many con artists pay a shill to bid up the price of an item. They want you to pay the highest price possible. This is not so different than a live auction. People find themselves becoming competitive and they keep bidding. Before they know it, they've paid double the price they would have if they'd bought the item anywhere else. If you are the highest bidder many auction sites will require you to follow through or you will be barred from bidding on that site again.

9. E-mail or Call the Seller. Sounds simple enough. Many times when you call the phone number it's disconnected or the E-mail comes back undeliverable. Both should be warning signs to you that you are dealing with a con artist. Just picking up the phone and dialing the number to ask questions could save you thousands of dollars.

10. Print and Save Everything. Save everything! Print the seller's identification number, the description of the item you're purchasing, any e-mail correspondence that went back and forth between you, what you paid for the item and how you paid for it. Save everything concerning the transaction. You may need it if you are indeed a victim.

I hope you're never a victim of online auction house crime, but if you are you should to report it to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center, Your complaint will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

If you want additional information on this topic you can get more tips from the Federal Trade Commission

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10 Ways To Own A Successful Home Business_72273

Owning a home business is good; owning a home business that generates good, hard cash is even better. Well, to run an extremely successful home business with ease, all you have to do is follow our tips - and here they are:
1. Do Research: Many people get enamored of the web-based business industry but fail to research each opportunity well. As in the real world, some opportunities sell well and others do not. In order to determine which types of business are viable, it is important to look at product trend, marketing reports and the like in order to get enough information to make a determined decision.
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While you may need to pay a small subscription fee in order to obtain unbiased information, it will pay for itself many times over in time and money savings.
2. The product thread: You must always pick a product that can be followed up by other products as well, which may complement or even substitute it. For example, if you are selling Proactol (a natural fat binder that can help lose weight, get rid of constipation and clean the colon), you can also offer Isabgul (a natural laxative) for people who don't want to lose weight, but just want to get rid of their constipation.
3. It's all in the presentation: Each presentation must be unique. Building a simple, user-friendly website will get you more sales than a fancy, high design site that's hard to figure out. Your presentation should be clear, easy to understand and focused. If you're selling Proactol, the presentation should be about the product, its benefits and the fact that it has FDA approval which is a distinct advantage over other natural herbal colon cleansers that have not been backed by any regulatory seals.
4. The power of good copywriting: Words are power on the Internet. While you want your site to be easy to navigate, you want your words to grab your readers and impact the message you are trying to convey in a sincere, truthful and clear manner. Enticing the reader to take action at the end, you let your word make the case for why they should buy. In this area, avoid doing the writing yourself. This is the job for an expert so outsource it to a professional and reap the rewards of an excellent presentation.
5. Payment system: Tie-up with a reputed merchant banker who offers you a variety of payment options. Also, build in a PayPal ordering procedure, as many freelance professionals prefer to pay via PayPal.
6. Getting the traffic: You can adopt multiple tactics that will ramp up traffic. You must place keywords strategically in your content, offer a free newsletter or other freebies, advertise on search engines using the PPC (pay per click) model, set up a blog, list your website on directories, submit articles, enroll affiliate marketers, join social networking sites and entice their members to visit your website (this is called viral marketing), and so on.
7. Send updates to your mailing list: People have subscribed expect to receive something on a semi-regular basis. If you neglect your list, they will forget you and you will wind up losing people. You build credibility and rapport with people via your emails. Each time someone arrives at your website via email is another visit to your site.
8. Track your progress: As the visitors start to arrive, you will want to track where they come from, not just how many show up. In this way you can track which advertising methods are working and if you need to tweak your traffic campaign. If they come from a certain concentrated area or geographical location, you can build a bigger advertising campaign around that.
9. webhost: Always choose a reputed webhost who employs the latest technology and has redundant space and power capacities.
10. Interest: Finally, always choose a product that you will be interested to work with and promote. There's no point selling guitars if you're not interested in - if you promote a product you have a keen interest in, you will get a nice psychological boost every time a check comes in.
These tips will go a long way towards making you happy and prosperous in your online business pursuits.

10 Ways To Increase Web Traffic_61437

Internet traffic is the life of any website or e-commerce business, and if you are an internet marketer, you already know that good traffic is not always easy to achieve. There are however, some simple and effective strategies for getting quality traffic to your site, and most of them are FREE or low cost.
1. Good old fashioned search engine optimization. This is perhaps, the most cost effective way to get many customers to your site, because it does not cost a thing. A web site with top ranking on even a mildly popular term, can get thousands of visitors per month. Visit any SEO forum or article database and you can find hundreds of effective search engine optimization tips and tweaks to apply to your website for free.
2. Pay-Per-Click Campaigns (PPC). Almost all of the major search engines offer some sort of Pay-Per-Click marketing. This is a great way to get targeted traffic to your site, and with some bids as low as $.01 per click, it can also be very economical. Although Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing (formerly Overture) are the main players in the PPC market, there are really good deals to be found with some of the smaller search engines, such as and
3. Traffic Exchanges. Traffic exchanges offer a website owner an instant, free way to get traffic to his/her site. Traffic Exchanges come in all kinds of themes and forms, but the underlying principle remains the same: I view your site, you view my site. The ratio of sites you view to your site views can be diverse, depending on the individual exchange, however it is recommended you find one with a 2:1 ratio or better. Traffic exchanges also offer a multi tier referral program that gives you a percentage of traffic earned by affiliates you bring into the program. Traffic,, and all offer a website owner great ways to increase traffic, or you can simply search the term "traffic exchange" in any search engine to find an exchange that fits you.
4. Link Exchanges. Link Exchanges are a fantastic way to increase web traffic, and the benefits are two-fold. Not only do you get traffic from the linking website, you also get the added benefit of better search engine placement with every link that is pointing to your site. Reciprocal linking has always been a major component of effective search engine optimization, with more and more weight being placed daily on the quality and quantity of links pointing to your site. Be sure your anchor text is the keyword(s) you are targeting, but at the same time, periodically phrase your anchor text differently so that all of the links pointing to your site do not say the same thing. This makes your links appear more "natural". and are some good, free services to help you with your link exchange campaigns, or you can also visit any SEO forum or article/ezine database for more tips.
5. Banner Exchanges. Banner Exchanges work on the same principle as Link Exchanges, and depending on the banner you decide to promote, can be very effective at drawing targeted web traffic to your site. As with link exchanges, look for ratios of 2:1 or better, with some banner exchanges providing a 1:1 ratio. The banner you decide to use is very important, as many internet users ignore most banners they see. Your banner needs to be catchy and needs to compel the user to take action and click it right away, but at the same time you do not want it to be too flashy as to turn off potential customers. Most banner exchange programs also have an option to purchase banner impressions at very low prices, usually a few dollars for thousands of impressions. This is a great way to put your business in front of many customers, and helps to increase your "brand awareness". and are some free banner exchanges that can provide your site immediate advertising and traffic.
6. Write Articles. Writing articles is a great, free way to promote your online business, and can bring in a substantial number of targeted customers to your site, usually within a few days. The key is to submit your article to as many databases and directories as possible. Hundreds of thousands of webmasters and other internet users worldwide search these article databases and directories daily, usually looking for quality content for their own websites. Every webmaster who reprints your article has to include your resource box, which should include a link pointing to your site. Not only will this give your business tremendous exposure, it also improves your search engine ranking with a free one-way link that your article provides. ZapContent.comm and are very popular article databases with free submission and fast approvals.
7. Paid-To-Read Campaigns (PTR). Paid-to-Read campaigns are an extremely low cost method of getting real, guaranteed visitors to your site quickly. With PTR campaigns, people are paid to view your site for a certain amount of time. Because most PTR campaigns are not targeted, this is not the most effective way to advertise. It is however, a great way to build an opt-in list or ezine subscriber base inexpensively. Usually for only a few dollars, you can send an ad out to all of the members of a program. It is always a good idea to find PTR programs that are well established, with many members in its database. Most programs have the number of subscribers and other stats prominently displayed on the main page of their web site. and are well established, have thousands of members, and low advertising prices.
8. Email Campaigns and Safelists. Email campaigns and Safelists provide yet another great option to increase web traffic. These campaigns can run the entire pricing spectrum; from free, to hundreds of dollars per email blast. Although spam concerns seem to have some advertisers reluctant to use email, if you use a proper third party or safelist, you can have targeted traffic to your site in hours. and are some safelists with huge number of opt-in subscribers.
9. Create your own Opt-In List. This is a terrific way to get your own group of ready-to-buy prospects to your site. Getting the content for your list is as easy as searching any ezine or article database, and an easy way to get people to join is to simply give something away. Another way to build a list is through viral marketing. Sites such as can help you build a large list quickly with proper advertising.
10. Purchase Web Traffic. There is not a more "hands-free" way to get traffic to your site, than to just buy it.

10 Ways To Get More Traffic_67637

Ahh, traffic. It's known as the hardest part of building an online business. It can take months or even years to build up a decent amount of traffic so that you can build a list or just sell a product from your website.

Before we look at the most cost and time effective ways to get targeted traffic, I would like to make one point:

If you'd like to work once for your traffic but get paid for life, then you absolutely must be doing one thing: Building a list.

I know, people always tell you this and you may already be doing so, but to those who are not then make sure you capture each precious, hard earned visitor that comes to your site, because once they leave, they are never coming back! Besides, once you have a list, you don't need to worry about constantly trying to find traffic anymore, because the traffic is just an email away!

And if you're already building a list, you may want to read on to find out why you're probably wasting 90% of your time and energy doing it the wrong way.

But first, let's look at how you can get some initial traffic to your website and start making some sales (and building a list of course!)

1. Blog Comments

Many people overlook this tactic because they think it doesn't work. This is usually because people associate blog comments with the usual "hey, thanks for the advice man..." type of blog comment that you see on so many blogs. However, blog commenting becomes a great way to piggy back hoards of targeted traffic literally overnight when you leave a solid, useful comment that actually adds to the original post. Perhaps add something that was missed, or extend the list of ideas, or present an argument...just show that you know what you're talking about and leave a link back to your site, the rest is history. Just don't spam multiple blogs with off topic or irrelevant comments.

2. Forum Signatures

Getting involved in forums does take a few weeks worth of work to build up a presence and trust, but once you become trusted and respected in a forum, you can drive tons of traffic through this method. Just pop a link in your signature box and watch the hits come in. This works best when you post a forum thread that truly delivers great content and gets people talking about you.

3. Social Networking

There's a whole world of social sites out there such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Bebo, Hubpages, MyBlog Log...the list is endless. If you get to know some people who have an obvious interest in your niche market, you can quickly form a platform to broadcast to all their friends, who pass it on to their friends, and so on. Again, good useful content will get passed around and talked about most of course, but the key is to build a handful of good friendships on several of these networking sites so that when you have something to say, they will likely pass on your message to the world through their collectively huge lists of friends.

4. Article Marketing

One of the time tested, most effective ways to get targeted traffic to your site is through article marketing. This means writing a quality article and posting it to an online article directory such as Then in your resource box, you can leave a link to point to a resource where the reader can get even more information and resources to really solve their problems or enhance their current situation in whichever way is appropriate.

5. Video marketing

Video is really taking off online these days, and if you know how to connect with people physically or verbally, then video is a huge area to gain tons of traffic. With Youtube being one of the most visited websites in the world, along with these types of video sharing sites having the potential to make your videos go viral, this is something all marketers need to start using. The trick with video is to not come across as a corporation or sales person, rather a normal person in their home, trying to help others. You can leave a live link in the about this video section and get plenty of free traffic from this resource, particularly if your video is entertaining and appealing.

6. Yahoo Answers

Another overlooked resource is Yahoo Answers. I can account for 25% of my yearly traffic to come from a few good and useful answers I posted to people's questions on Yahoo Answers. The trick is to give really good, non-biased advice and simply suggest a link for them to check out to solve their problems (which will be your website of course!). As long as you are ethical and treat people with respect, and genuinely try to help people solve their problems, then you're golden at Yahoo Answers. You can actually find people looking for products and services that you might offer, which leads to easy conversions too!

These are just some of the many creative ways you can drive targeted traffic to your website. There are many more, but I have to tell you something:

These methods will require work, research and persistence. As with anything that is cost free, there is going to be competition that often shadows your hard work or knocks you off the spotlight completely. You always need to stay on top and out think your competitors, particularly when there's so many other people using free methods for getting traffic.

However, did you know that there are some underground ways to drive ultra targeted traffic and build huge lists of subscribers that will buy from you again and again, simply from you sending out an email?

It's true, and it doesn't require even half of the hard work that you see above. It can be done for free or at extremely low cost (think burger and fries) and you'll build the most valuable asset any online business owner could wish for - a targeted list of paying customers.

Zombie Computers Roam The Internet_72894

Spyware and viruses are so common that you would be hard pressed to find anyone that isn抰 aware of them. Under the umbrella term Malware, these little programs have been causing trouble for computer users for many years, and they seem to get more powerful everyday. A new incarnation of malware is becoming very common as of late, and it involves using a virus or trojan horse to place a computer under the remote control of a hacker. The controlled computer is referred to as a zombie and it is used to commit various dastardly deeds without the knowledge of the computer owner.

Zombie computers are almost always attached to the Internet via a broadband connection such as DSL or Satellite Internet. This is important as spammers have found that by using zombie computers to send out their junk mail they can easily avoid detection. As of 2005 it was estimated that up to 80% of all spam was sent via zombie computers, and that number is on the rise.

The increase can be attributed to smarter hackers and better technology, but the real driving causes behind the increased zombie trend are better spam filters and anti-spam laws. According to Tom Spring at PC World Magazine, 搒pammers are hiring virus writers and hackers to help them create armies of zombie PCs to send spam.?This union of hackers and spammers has been beneficial to both parties in opening new revenue steams that are extremely difficult to shut down.

Gregg Mastoras, a senior security analyst at the security firm Sophos says, 揂 new underground economy is evolving." This new economy is for the most part illegal and to date impossible to stop completely.

As of late the Chinese hackers have thrown their hat into the game and have taken the zombie computer business to the next level. Senior Pentagon Advisor Paul Strassmann recently said, 揂s of September 14th 2007 there were exactly 735,598 computers in the United States infested with Chinese zombies?

Large groups of zombie computers can be used to form a 揵otnet?or network of slave computers. This network can be used to send out millions of spam mails in a short period of time. Slave networks are also used to commit a DoS attack. DoS attacks, or Denial of Service, target a particular website and overwhelm the server with information requests until the server can no longer handle the load. These attacks or in no way secretive, and once discovered are easily shut down. There will be a period of time however when site traffic will be disrupted by the DoS attack. Larger more sophisticated networks such as those used by governments or large firms have defensive measures in place to prevent damage from a DoS attack.

Which Is The Useful Traffic Generalting Tool -_61783

Viral Traffic Tool is a Viral Traffic Link Cloaking Tool complete with Link Cloaking Advertising.

This is a powerful viral traffic generating site that will drive viral traffic to any website and get your advertising campaigns front of more quality visitors, guaranteed. How can this be done? Easy!

You just need 1 small change in what you're doing (takes less than 30 seconds) and that's it! You will start to see VIRAL Web Traffic and VIRAL ad views automatically.

And the best magic is that you get High Conversion Rates! Too many So-called traffic tools focus on hits or visitors, but that's useless UNLESS
You actually generates Sales and Signups. And that's where Viral Traffic Tool is your ideal traffic tool. Shines...Proven results with high conversion rates and amazing results!

Now if it sounds too good to be true, let me assure you:

- You do NOT have to trade time for manual surfing of traffic

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- You WILL increase your website traffic and get more quality responses, guaranteed

- It WILL work for you regardless of what product niche you are in?

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- The longer you use Viral Traffic Tool, the more traffic and advertising you get

Viral Traffic Tool is a traffic solution to drive viral traffic to any website. It comes complete with suite of tools to help protect your affiliate links and at the same time increases exposure of websites to its huge member base. Not only it can protects your affiliate link but also allows users to send Solo Ads to its member base. It is a proven viral tool in which its viral effect gets multiply when anyone start using it whether or not you start refer anyone to use the service.

Traffic Generating Tool is a very important tool for anyone who owns an affiliate website. If you have a business website, your key priority is to easily drive traffic to your website to make an income. If no traffic to your site means no revenue for the company! You need to make use of
useful powerful traffic generating tool to help you automates your work flow process.

Imagine you can communicate with your team members and at the same time drinve valid targed traffic to the relevent sites, it increase your credibility and thus in return will help you get more viral traffic.

And its magic when your traffic actually CONVERTS! Too many So-called traffic tools focus on hits or visitors, but that's useless UNLESS
You get quality signups and sales. And that's where Viral Traffic Tool is your ideal Link Cloaking Advertising Tool. Shines...Proven results with high conversion rates and amazing results!

As you can see, this tool is REAL and it just plain works!

Pay Per Click For Newbies_67640

This article is entitled pay per click for newbies or Dummies if you prefer. And as such,replica hermes handbags, one would assume that the title is appropriately set for the material.

As i look at the outline for this however, I realize that 鈥減ay per click for newbies鈥?could be appropriately entitled 鈥淲hy Google loves new Accounts 鈥?especially Corporate鈥?or more to the point 鈥淟egitimate places where intelligent people can throw away vasts amounts of money鈥?or 鈥淟egal Gambling outside of Vegas or Atlantic system鈥?

The truth be known, Newbies or wanna be Affiliates really shouldnt use pay per click without some serious study 鈥?and by the time that study is over,chanel unisex watches, one is no longer an abject Newbie.

Why am I so harsh in my assessment of what happens in the early days of pay per click for most users?

Probably because there are more than enough newbie pay per click users who have *cried* in the adwords forums. Some of them, after partially documenting what they think they did simply stopped using Google鈥檚 Adwords altogether.

Most of them did not take the fairly complete Adwords course that Google made available on their site. And unfortunately,chanel flap bag, most of them never sought help until their bank accounts were drained. Perry Marshal has an excellent 5 day pay per click email course which i suggest one look at after one has taken Google鈥檚 own very comprehensive online free course.

Even if you are going to do ppc on Yahoo,coach poppy bags, I would still recommend the excellent flash video tutorial that Google has made available.

The biggest 5 tips that you can suck down in 2 minutes concerning PPC are:

1) Don鈥檛 do it on your own the first time. Study the tutorials and get some help
2) Google Search and the Content network must always be separated
3) Quality Score effects cpc rates. Keywords must also be on the landing page
4) Don鈥檛 use front page of the site as landing page. That is just plain laziness
5) Attempt to capture emails using undeniable offer. Avoid popups/popunders

Ok, well that鈥檚 it then. Go get those tutorials.  

The Life Of A Life Insurance Agent_34342

Life insurance agents have a very challenging occupation. To be a life insurance agent, you must be able to combine the gentle and responsive nature of a friend with the cold and almost ruthless salesmanship of a hardened professional. The best life insurance agents are able to make this tough job look effortless, but making a good living in this field is more like a walk on a tightrope than like a walk in the park.

Selling people life insurance seems innately difficult, because it is no easy task to talk somebody into spending the remainder of his or her life paying money for something that won't benefit anybody until after he or she is dead. Some policies are more flexible, allowing for some liquidity so the beneficiaries can access a portion of the money during the customer's lifetime, but other kinds of policies often make the complete sum of accumulated money untouchable until the customer is deceased. This makes many people reticent to invest in a life insurance policy when they could easily put that money into a potentially more lucrative and certainly more flexible portfolio of stock or mutual fund investments. A good life insurance agent must be able to express to these kinds of potential customers why life insurance is a better choice than the other fiscal options available, and being able to do so requires not only very firm conviction under pressure but a talent for articulation and persuasion as well.

Most salesmen and saleswomen are able to walk away as soon as the customer has signed on the dotted line, but being a life insurance agent requires a substantial degree of involvement with the customer all the way until the point in time when the money is paid out to the beneficiaries. Once a customer has purchased a life insurance policy, the agent's job is far from over, which has quite a bit to do with how agents attract potential clients. Today, life insurance agents get a large percentage of their business through word of mouth referrals. This makes it absolutely imperative for an agent to keep up relationships with all of his or her clients.

To keep up a strong relationship with his or her customers so that they will send over their friends and neighbors to take out policies as well, a life insurance agent must be in contact with his or her clients on a regular basis just to check in. If a problem does arise, the agent must be responsive and quick to act in order to keep the customer's confidence, because confidence translates into referrals. Given that being a life insurance agent requires a strong bond between agent and client, it is little wonder then that many life insurance salespeople are starting to branch out into other areas of financial planning as well. By being able to offer a customer a variety of services, the agents are maximizing their own efficiency and earning potential while also increasing their customers' satisfaction.

The Importance Of Retirement Planning_52379

Facts To Know About Financial Planning

Financial planning services like Private Money Management is now the growing trend in the field of financial services. This fields consisting of highly qualified finance professionals with very deep knowledge and experience and with the help of their knowledge and experience, they has the ability to make in depth analysis as well as recommendations not only in case of bonds or stocks, but in all major class of assets. They make necessary advice to their clients regarding their investments so that they can help their clients to achieve their goals weather it抯 the short term or the long term.

In Private Money Management believes, the thorough planning of the investment is very much essential and therefore the accountants or the lawyer of the respective client always does the planning as this helps in achieving the coordinated approach. They can quickly respond to the major happenings of the world and can reposition the investment to make it safe. Private Money Management also helps in Implementing Concentrated Position Strategies in which a client抯 investment is thoroughly protected from any potential decline as the respective client has made huge investment in one particular stock. Tax saving is always the main aim of every investor and Private Money Managers help their clients to have as much tax benefits as possible as they work with the client抯 accountant to sell the loss making area of their clients portfolio.

Private Money Management firms on fee basis which means that they earn one or two per cent fees of the assets that are managed by them. This fees structure helps to eliminate the conflicts because they are earning only on the basis of the investment. This kind of fee structure also helps to equal the interest of both the mangers as well as the client and when the value of the investment declines so do the fees of the manager. For this reason, many rich and wealthy people hire these kinds of professionals to manage their huge assets and their investments and by following the professional抯 advice they even become wealthier. But from the above fact it can be said that the Wealth Management is solely aimed at the millioners or billionaires, but it is not at all true.

One Private Asset Management firm has stepped forward and introduced the services to the common people or to the not so rich people. The firm is Kisner & Associates and is based in Las Vegas, Nevada. They have a unique way of planning an investment in which they first try to clarify all the doubts and then they select the right risk management tools and estate planning documents to make the investment successful on behalf of their clients. The president of the firm, Jeremy Kisner believes that the job of financial planning is not based on wild guesses and The external factors makes the most influences in the financial planning decision. The Las Vegas Wealth Management firm Kisner & Associates has now the highest number of clients and is still now growing and they have also opened an office in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The Housing Sector_50290

The housing market determines the demand for properties, homes and buildings and moreover is responsible for expansion and overall progress of the country. The housing market potential is immense. Generally people who plan to procure houses mortgage their land documents,replica chanel watches, for which banks or private financial institutions charge appraisal fees to determine the valuation of the property. After authenticating ownership and assessing value, the bank lends the amount to the purchaser to acquire the property.

Brokerages often arrange financial transactions between bank and purchaser for commission that is determined by the properties land value. Housing is a lucrative field that has enormous potential for individuals and corporate houses to earn colossal wealth. Residential properties are preferred by individuals who plan to reside or rent their buildings. Business organizations prefer commercial properties, with or without buildings, which they exploit by constructing buildings which they either lease, rent or sell.

The housing market offers tremendous job opportunities to freshly-qualified and highly experienced personnel who desire to make their wealth. Real Estate brokers have flexible working hours, either full or part-time, and generally travel a lot to finalize land deals meeting their client s needs. They also coordinate with financial organizations for fixing loans to help their clients purchase properties at the earliest. Property manager, Land developer, Appraiser and counselors are some category of real estate jobs available in the housing market. Employees can quickly get openings in banks, mortgage and insurance companies,chanel 2.55 bag, property development agencies, land marketing firms or they can establish a professional consultancy.

Real estate sales managers should be conscious about their clients requirements, budget and time frame for completing the contract that is signed by the purchaser and seller. The current trend is that due to high competition and greater demand for land,fake rolex watches, they have to quickly complete their transactions. Whenever necessary,best replica rolex, they should also arrange for bank housing loans that the buyer will repay. Consumers can find decent properties at reasonable rates due to the collapse of the mortgage and financial markets. Real estate purchasers require finance from the banks, which is restricted due to inadequate liquidity. Therefore due to lowering demand, the housing sector faces huge drop in prices, which is an advantage for potential investors yet a situation for those who need to sell house fast.

If the buyer is able to obtain bank finance, it is available with very low interest. The banks have greatly reduced interest rates to diminish the impact of credit crisis and higher inflation.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Vocational Schools In Chicago_48308

A vocational school is an institution operated for the purpose of giving the students the necessary skills to perform certain jobs. These schools do not aim to further a liberal arts education instead offer to teach job-specific skills.

Vocational education being offered in the past usually focused on specific trades such as becoming an automobile mechanic or welder. Such training and education were then associated with the activities of lower social classes. As a consequence of this, vocational schools attracted a level of stigma. The youth would prefer going to universities and colleges for their education rather than at vocational schools.

However, during the course of time, the labor market begins to develop itself into a more specialized market. More and more economies begin to demand more specialized skills from the workforce.

Governments and businesses are now beginning to invest in the vocational education through publicly funded training organizations and subsidized apprenticeship or traineeship initiatives to provide for their need for more people with specialized skills. And also because of this, post-secondary level vocational education is now being provided by an institute of technology,chanel j12 black, or by a local community college.

Vocational education has diversified over the years and now exists to provide training in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology,best replica rolex, funeral services and cosmetics, as well as in the traditional crafts and cottage industries. People now have a wide selection of vocational training to choose from to personally equip them with skills for their chosen jobs.

If you are looking for Chicago vocational schools, you will be able to find a number of them online. If you are looking forward to honing a certain technical skill in order to land a job,replica chanel watches, a good vocational school may be able to provide you with the education that you are looking for. There are vocational schools all over Chicago that offer a wide range of vocational training.

There is the Chicago School of Massage Therapy for those of you who want to become future massage specialists. There is also the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago for those who want to follow a culinary path to success. The American Academy of Art in Chicago also offers vocational courses for those who are interested in graphic design,chanel ceramic j12, commercial art and illustration.

There are many more vocational schools in Chicago that offer a wide range of training and education for those of you looking to improve or further advance their vocational skills. Such skill will be able to help you help you succeed in a chosen career that you choose to take.  

Vocational Nursing Schools In California_34685

Once you have decided that you would like to become a vocational nurse, you are going to need the proper training in order to become licensed and if you are looking for vocational nursing schools in California, here is what you need to know so that you can get started. Once you have made up your mind to enter into the field of ultrasound technician or cardiovascular technologist you must decide who will give you the best chance at succeeding after your finished with school.

One of the best nursing schools in California offers everything you will need so that you can jump start your career in the health field. In a few years, the demand for health care professionals will be on the rise, this is a great time to learn this profession. A good school must have a great reputation with its students and how they teach. The nursing program itself takes many hours to complete because so much will be covered during your time in training. You have the options to either attend classes full-time or part-time if it is easier for you. Some schools have weekday and weekend classes available. Many people who are working with a busy schedule attend part-time classes on weekends.

What you will need to become a student is to have a high school diploma or equivalent, complete and pass a background check and fill out the required forms with your information. Find out how much it will cost you to attend. In most cases financial aid may be available for those who qualify, this can be handled when you are filling out your forms. Once you have gone through registration and have everything that you need, you will be working with a team of experienced nurses that will teach everyone the basics and hands on training.

The best nursing schools in California would have to be around for years and has helped many students. Schools that are accredited are proof that they are valid by the state especially if you are looking to be licenced. There are many benefits as to why it is a good choice to become a nurse in vocational nursing schools in California. Being a licensed vocational nurse is also a great way to help people as well as make a good stable income. You can also move anywhere and not have to worry about finding work because vocational nurses are needed almost everywhere.

Vocational Nursing Program- A Growing Trend In The Healthcare Sector_39824

Since the last 20 years the medical sector has been seeing extraordinary expansion. To assist the doctors there is a large need for trained and skilled nurses. Hence vocational nursing has become a very economically stable profession. A number of vocational programs are available in a variety of medical institutes all seeming equally promising.

While choosing a vocational institute importance should be given to the quality of education being provided to the institute and not to the duration of the course. The training of a nurse should include the development of practical skills. The student must be taught to be compassionate to the patients. She must be able to work under emergency situations and not panic.

It is the responsibility of the nurse to take care of the well being of the patient until the doctor arrives. Hence she must be skilled enough to administer not only first aid but some general treatment as well. A vocational nursing program must offer specialization to the student in a certain field for e.g. maternity, trauma etc.

All the above stated skills will be required to clear the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN). The vocational nursing program will be of no use if the student fails to qualify this examination. Hence quality of education obtained is the key to a bright future in vocational nursing.

The pay scales of the nursing profession are very high ranging between 35000$ to 70000$. An experienced, well skilled and specialized vocational nurse may earn even more than an inexperienced doctor. The vocational institute must have the facility to provide practical skills to the students and must also have an experienced teaching faculty.

It is must that the institute be accredited by the American Nurses Association. The prescribed length of any vocational nursing course is 24 months i.e. it is a three to four semester course. Certain institutes try to fool the students by claiming to finish with the course within twelve to fourteen months.

They must never be opted as they will do nothing but rush through the course and you will not be able to gain the practical skills required to qualify the accreditation examination. Some good institutes providing vocational training are California Medical College, Georgetown University, John Hopkins University School of Nursing, Capella University, Walden University and the Chamberlin College of Nursing.

Vocational Healthcare Training Programs_39331

The health industry has grown exponentially to a very basic reason. The more it grows the better are the healthcare facilities in a country and the better is the healthcare facilities the more is the life expectancy of the people in that region. A higher expectancy of life simply means that there are more elderly people in a country i.e. there are more people to take care of. Hence healthcare training programs become very important.

Even more than doctors there is a bulk requirement for limitedly trained nurses. This is due the fact that the bulk of the care taking of the patients is undertaken by the nurses. Doctors can not take up the day to day services of the patient and these are taken up by the nurses. This has led to a demand for licensed vocational nurses.

A LVN assists the doctors in hospitals and also provides medical aids at homes where long term care taking of elderly people is required. Though a vocational nurse cannot do everything that a registered nurse does but for a lot of care taking jobs such as preparing rooms for new patients and giving the patients bath vocational nurses are required.

Though a vocational nurse can not do specialized jobs still she is licensed for phlebotomy i.e. collection of blood samples, administering general injections and taking blood pressures. Most vocational nurses take up specializations in their fields of liking after a few years of experience.

A job of a LVN is very promising as they receive high pays than people employed in other sectors with the same skills and generally also receive all other privileges that other trained medical workers receive. Moreover there is always a scope of earning more. In some cases astonishingly vocational nurses earn even more than RN�s.

Some vocational nurses may also receive specialization in the technical fields such as ultrasound sonography. This increases their pays by leaps and bounds. After getting any such specialization they easily reduce their workloads of taking care of patients and still earn much more.

This also provides them with chances to receive accreditation of a registered nurse very easily just on the basis of a few years of experience and without any further training. Hence vocational nursing has today become a very much in demand and also a very respectable job. This has led to increase in competition as well. Hence getting a degree from a recognized school is extremely important.

Virtual Life Games -Live Life How You Want!_38306

Gone are the ways where wishes had to have wings in order to fly; today, you can choose your own destiny, design and chart it. You can really be anyone you want to be, virtually speaking.

A common component in real life is the inevitability of mistakes, and the irreplaceable nature of wasted time. Most mistakes of course can be corrected but oftentimes, nature or time doesn抰 permit that ?it抯 either you can抰 correct that particular mistake or, there is little or no time or opportunity to do so.

Consider yourself in real life, all that you wish you could be, all the things that you are not: tall, handsome, pretty, successful by any standards, have any ethnicity/skin of your choice. That day could really come to pass sooner if you exited the real world, assume an alter ego and became a citizen of the virtual one.

The developers of virtual life games must have capitalized on the human need for total control - to be whoever they want to be - and gave them this power on a platter of gold in the virtual realm.

Virtual life games enable its citizens, also called players, to be able to have control of their virtual lives. With the help of 3D text/characters called avatars, the players are able to interact with one another as they would in real life.

The beauty of virtual games is that is allows for the imagination to be explored.

Real events and elements are fused with pure fantasy and fairytales to create the best of both worlds. This means that everything thing follows the real world timing format and order but then fantasy and imagination is allowed to run wild and take it further.

In a simulated world, reality can only be enacted to a certain degree that often times is very similar to the real deal but, since citizens of the virtual world are also from the real world, interaction between them purely dependent on their respective intelligence levels. This means that anything obtains.

Basically virtual life games opens doors to a whole new possibilities. It is like the ability to create a better extension of your current self, you meet new/exciting people, go to new exciting places, explore, etc. A second chance to do all that you wished you could do or undo; it gives you the options to live life exactly how you want it, devoid of mistakes, again and again.

Why People Love To Read How To Articles_35840

Curiosity is one of the intrinsic instincts of every living being on the planet. Dictionary defines it as 揳n emotion related to natural inquisitive behavior such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in human and many animal species? So, what sets us, humans, apart from animals when it comes to gratification of our curiosity? We have been blessed with superior intellect to properly explore and quench our thirst of inquisitiveness. The advent of modern technology has made many invaluable tools at our disposal for this very purpose and internet is one of the foremost among them. Internet is virtually an inexhaustible source of knowledge which is easily accessible and seven out of ten people when searching for tutorials, guides or DIY (do it yourself) readily consult it.

Today抯 average man lives a haphazard life where self reliance has become a core principal. Gone are the days where certain tasks were considered undoable without seeking out specialized professional help, for instance a leaky kitchen or bathroom faucet would inevitably have meant calling upon a plumber but nowadays all that is required is to go online and find how to guide about plumbing and viola leaky faucet no more.

Scenarios like the one mentioned above have raised the popularity of how to do guides and how to articles. People love reading how to articles irrespective of the fact whether it is just out of curiosity or associated with a specific task. The internet is littered with websites and blogs that offer howtos on just about anything conceivable.

Confused about the cryptic assembly instructions of latest piece of furniture you have recently purchased for a hefty price from Ikea? Fret not,chanel j12 black! All you need is to go online and conduct a search and it抯 guaranteed that you抣l come across an expert how to article or a blog which would contain detailed instructions in very easy to understand format about furniture assembly.

Does an incomprehensible glitch ailing your PC? There is no need to haul it over to the repair shop just yet. Go online, type the symptoms and you are bound to come across a number of professionally composed computer guides which would provide easy remedies for your quandary.

Even then there are some issues or predicaments,hermes kelly bags, which are simply beyond the scope of how to instructions. For such irksome issues, written material is simply not adequate and a visual demonstration of the solution is required. Just for such cases, a how to video is just what the doctor ordered! There are countless such videos made by experts in their respective fields which provide step by step guidance for the simplest to the most complex of problems.

Tutorials, guides,fake rolex watches, DIY, computer guides, how to articles, how to video,cheap hermes birkin, all such material has now become almost indispensable, most read, and popular content on the World Wide Web. It抯 easily accessible, fast and reliable. It saves time and money by letting you resolve the problems yourself without having to pay for expert help.  

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Commercial Vehicle Insurance Requirements - How It Works_47426

Any vehicle needs to have auto insurance because its required by law and is necessary to protect your financial assets, however there are different types of auto insurance. Commercial vehicle insurance is used for vehicles used for business purposes.

If you have a business with employees that use cars, trucks or any other type of vehicle that the business needs you need to insure them with a commercial insurance policy. This type of insurance is more costly than regular insurance but it is really necessary to protect your business assets and keep your vehicle on the road when an accident happens.

But you can not just insure any vehicle as commercial, it must fit certain requirements to be considered a commercial or business vehicle. When insuring your vehicle you will need to provide many important details about the drivers and the vehicles.

Who are the drivers? What is their age? What is their driving record? Do they have an active license? What type of vehicles are you using?
What is their make year? do they have any past claims? what is the likely of it being stolen? does it have security devices? How many mileages a year do you drive? what is the destination of the vehicle? does it carry cargo? what type of material carries?

Those are some important questions that your insurance agent will ask you so he can provide you a quote. There are many different factors that determine the rates that you are going to pay, it depends on the risk factor, how likely is your vehicle of being stolen and getting in to an accident.

The more miles it travels the greater the risk of an accident or natural disaster to happen, there are some types of trucks that are more frequently stone, those cost more to insure. If you or any of your drivers are under 25 years old your rates will be higher than if the driver is an older person.

And lastly, you need to compare vehicle insurance quotes from different companies before making a decision. Its easy to compare quotes online, you just have to provide your vehicle details.

Commercial Van Finance- Commercial Transportation Is Easy Now_52919

For your commercial business and other things to be conducted properly you would obviously need a vehicle. Presence of vehicle for carrying goods is must and many things in a commercial business depend on the availability of a vehicle or a goods carrying van. If you do not have money then should adopt the commercial van finance.

Such finance will be available in two forms to you. These are the secured and unsecured loans. The secured loans will be useful if you want to buy a costly and brand new van for your commercial purposes. These loan will offer you bigger amount and the rate of interest too is suitable,best replica rolex, i.e., not high. You must pledge any of your valuable assets as collateral in order to secure these loans. The unsecured loans too are good as nothing needs to be placed as collateral here. Though the money offered in it is not so big still it is good for buying cheap or used van. For avoiding the higher interest rate of these loans you can opt for other loans that are available in the loan market.

You can go for any of these loans for buying any commercial van you want. After opting for these loans you will not have to think or care for other matters as these loans use to offer 90 to 100% of the van�s real value. For buying the used vans too you can avail these loans. However,replica rolex submariner, you must remember to prove it to the lender that the van is not older than 5 years.

The bad credit holder too can gain these loans for their commercial transportation. Commercial van finance is available even to the worst credit score holder. Arrears, defaults, bankruptcy,replica hermes handbags, late payment,replica rado watches, skipping of installments or CCJs are always allowed here.  

Commercial Trucks And Construction Equipment, 75 Days Deferred Payment Program_54169

As buyers have been disillusioned with higher gas prices, food cost worries and personal housing problems, some of the lenders with these excess inventories have also come up deferred payment programs, As an additional dealer/lender incentive, a down payment is required from the customer but the second payment may be deferred up to 75 days, for a selected inventory group, Check an example below:

Your have access to this great opportunity from a Dealer/Lender on their off lease and repos. Lessees can maximize their earning potential by deferring your first payment after funding for no less than 60 days. Gives the customers an opportunity for even more earning potential in the first months of their lease!

Here's how it works:

- Lessees choose an asset from the list that is available from the dealer. - Complete all normal documentation for funding and submit it to the lender

Complete a special addendum and submit it as a part of your documentation package. Complete the above steps and you are able to push out their first payment after funding for at least 60 days (up to 75 days, depending on date of funding). Take advantage of this unique opportunity now. To be eligible, the deal must fund by July 31, 2008.

- When you pick up your equipment, you will drive off with a $300 fuel card in their pocket!

Program Benefits for All Lessees and Assets

Waived processing fee - $0 processing fee means only the first payment is required in advance . - Start-ups and challenged credit commonly approved on all equipment types. - All ages and types of companies are eligible for approvals on the inventory, including start-ups and proprietorships for over-the-road trucks and trailers and forestry equipment - First payment in advance only - Documentation and up-front payments must be received by July 31, 2008.* 60-Month Financing for All Ages of Equipment - Extend the term length for lower monthly payments. - Extend the term length for a lower first payment due in advance.

Take advantage of these specials today!

As you see from this example, these concessions could sway the buyer for making a consideration for this program. No payments up to 75 days can be a stimulus to a sagging sales force. Additionally, other lenders are giving away gas cards as well to entice the deals. First Payment Only programs, no payments for 75 days, 60 months to repay regardless of age, favorable buy out clauses, easier credit qualifications, prior bankruptcies waived, additional co-signors ok, and start up businesses welcome are just some of the changes the dealers must consider to get the buyers' interest.

The type of items we are going to identify as potential deals for the customer are the following:

Dump trucks, flatbed trucks, grapple and landscape trucks, fuel and lube trucks, bucket and boom trucks, over the road and day cabs, water trucks, tow trucks, box vans and straight trucks, dry van and reefer trailers, end and bottom dump trailers, flatbed trailers, backhoes, bulldozers, crawler tractors, forestry equipment, excavators, forklifts, and other type loaders.

In conclusion, this is a buyers market for commercial trucks, trailers, and construction equipment. Check out all the deals in the market and make sure that you have a stable income base to assume whatever debt that you may occur.

Happy hunting for your acquistion.

Commercial Trucking Insurance- Required By Law And Necessary For Good Business_43944

If you operate a commercial trucking business -- whether you have a fleet of one or hundreds of vehicles -- you need commercial trucking insurance.

Commercial trucking insurance is needed to protect you in case of accidents on the road, or even during the loading or unloading of cargo. In fact, insurance can protect you and your driver should another truck hit yours while your driver is taking a break at a rest stop.

Good Insurance is Good for Business

Insurance for your commercial vehicles is required by law. Good business practice also 搑equires?it -- having good commercial trucking insurance can protect you from financial ruin when the inevitable minor and major accidents and injuries occur.

As you search for insurance, you抣l be looking for coverage that applies in four areas, general liability, non-trucking liability, motor truck cargo and primary liability.

General liability commercial trucking insurance covers those incidents mentioned above, those that don抰 happen while your truck is on the road, such as at rest stops, loading and unloading, and so on. General liability insurance also provides protection for you due to theft and vandalism.

Your non-trucking liability insurance (also known as bobtail insurance) covers your truck when your vehicle isn抰 running, such as when it抯 in the repair shop.

Motor truck cargo insurance protects the cargo your vehicle is shipping. This protects your client should your vehicle抯 cargo be stolen or damaged en route.

In addition, if your company抯 trucks pull trailers owned by someone else, you probably will want to consider what is known as trailer interchange coverage. This type of commercial trucking insurance protects you against losses to those trailers you抮e leasing from another company.

The Federal Government抯 Insurance Minimums

Federal law requires that you carry a minimum of $750,000 in liability insurance and $5,000 in cargo insurance. Industry-wide, the standard is $1 million in liability and $100,000 in cargo insurance. Be advised that you may want to consider the higher amounts because in the instance where the cost of theft, accident damage or other incidents is higher than your commercial trucking insurance, you more than likely will be required to pay the difference between the insurance coverage and the actual damage amount.

Not having adequate commercial trucking insurance could bankrupt you should your trucks and drivers be in harm抯 way. Insurance can help you, your drivers and your customers, rest easy as you all know your trucks and cargo are covered in case of tragedy.

Commercial Small Business Loans_39049

People, who do business on small scale, often are at the mercy of lenders in availing much required finance. Lenders see offering loan to these business persons as risky. This is because small scale businesses are generally labeled as unstable. These people can take resort in commercial small business loan that is designed to provide hassle free funds at better terms and conditions. Small scale business operators can utilize commercial small business loan for starting or expending business, buying equipments, purchasing raw material, adding new technology or even clearing debts and improving credibility.

Like any other loan, commercial small business loan is provided under secured and unsecured options. To take secured commercial small business loan, business persons are required to place any of their business property like plant, machinery or equipment as collateral with the lender. Once the loan is fully secured, commercial small business loan seekers are in commanding position in deciding over the loan deal. Lenders may consider revising downward the interest rate which matters the most for small scale businesses.

Secured commercial small business loan has this added advantage for the borrowers that they can avail desired loan amount depending upon value of the collateral, though usually lenders do not provide greater loan to small businesses. Interest rate on commercial small business loan is normally higher because of the risk involved, but again if the lender is satisfied with collateral and credentials of the business person, the loan comes at lower interest rate in its secured form.

Commercial small business loan is equally available in its unsecured form to business people who do not wish to offer collateral for various reasons including fear of its repossession. Such borrowers should have sound repayment capacity and good credit score. On FICO scale of 300 to 850, credit score of 720 and above is considered as safe for loan offer. This enables in getting better terms and conditions. In case of bad credit which is indicated by score of 580 or below, the loan is still available but at harder conditions.

While searching for commercial small business loan, prefer applying online. There are number of lenders who have showcased their loan products online and when you file a simple application you get numerous loan packages with different interest rates and terms-conditions. Settle for the loan package that suits your budget. Online lenders charge no fee on application processing or providing information and therefore cost of availing loan gets reduced.

Commercial small business loan enables business persons meet necessary financial requirement. Available in both secured and unsecured options, the loan, if taken after lot of thought, goes long way in prospering of business. Ensure that monthly installments are cleared in time so that any debt burden is avoided.