Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Not long ago she despised me

"Not long ago she despised me. A week or so ago she said she didn't give a damn."
"Does she love you?" he asked, smiling.
Now I've said all along that Joe was without guile,fake uggs boots, but it's almost impossible really to believe that a man is without guile. It is perhaps a great injustice that I couldn't entirely trust that open smile and clear forehead of Joe's, but I confess I did not.
"I'm pretty sure she despises me," I said.
Joe sighed. He was sitting in the swivel chair next to mine, and now he put his feet on the desk in front of him and clasped his hands behind his head.
"Did you ever consider that maybe I'm to blame for all of this? A lot of things could be explained neatly if you just said that for some perverse reason or other I engineered the whole affair,Moncler Outlet. Just a possibility, along with the rest. What do you think,nike shox torch ii?"
"Perversity? I don't know, Joe. If I see anything perverse it's your sending Rennie up to my place now."
He laughed. "I guess you could call all my encouragements of you two perverse now that we know what happened, but if any of it was really perverse it was unconsciously so. But you can't really believe it's perversity that makes me insist on her going up to your place. That business really is a matter of testing her. She's got to decide once and for all what she really feels about you and me and herself, and you know as well as I do that if it weren't for those trips to your place she'd repress that first business as fast as she could."
"Don't you think you're just keeping the wounds open?"
"I guess so. In fact, that's exactly what I'm doing. But in this case we've got to keep the wound open until we know just what kind of wound it is and how deep it goes."
"It seems to me that the important thing about wounds is healing them, no matter how."
"You're getting carried away with the analogy," Joe smiled. "This isn't a physical wound. If you ignore it, it might seem to go away, but in a relationship between two people wounds like this aren't healed by ignoring them -- they keep coming back again if you do that." He dropped the subject. "So you love Rennie?"
"I don't know. I've felt that way once or twice."
"Would you marry her if she weren't married to me?"
"I don't know. Honestly." '
"How would you take it if it turned out that the best answer to this thing was some kind of a permanent sexual relationship between you and her? I mean a triangle without conflicts or secrecy or jealousy."
"I don't think that's an answer. I'm the kind of guy who could probably live with that sort of thing, but I don't believe either Rennie or you could." As a matter of fact, I was interested to notice that at the very mention of marriage and permanent sexual attachments I began to grow tired of the idea of Rennie. Happy human perversity! There was little of the husband in me.
"I don't either. What's the answer, Jake? You tell me."
I shook my head.
"Shall I shoot you both?" he grinned. "I already own a Colt forty-five and about a dozen bullets,fake uggs online store. When Rennie and I first got going on this thing, the time I was out of school for three days or so, I dug the old Colt out of the basement and loaded it and put it on the shelf in the living-room closet, in case either of us wanted to use it on ourselves or anybody else."

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