Tuesday, March 20, 2012

All About Reverse Call Charges_66376

Reverse charge call is a phone call that requires the receiving party to pay for the call i.e. reverse call charges; it agrees to receive from the calling party. The reverse call charges are clearly mentioned to the called party and are charged through a Premium SMS after the conversation ends. There are number of companies that offer reverse call charge services in many countries including UK and USA where it is referred to as a collect call.

The growth of reverse call services is attributed mainly to the shortcomings of prepaid mobile phone accounts. While many people use prepaid mobile phones in order to counter the high roaming charges when visiting other countries, the costs associated with them are quite high, especially when you have to leave the country and still have some euros or pounds left in your account. This credit left on your prepaid phone will most likely expire before you revisit the country. This lost credit pushes up the costs of your prepaid phone calls. That's why; many people prefer reverse call services over prepaid phones while visiting other countries. It is best for students who are usually on limited budget and need to make contact with friends and relatives when in a foreign country.

You can make 0800 reverse charge calls across the United Kingdom by using a landline phone, payphone and mobile phone. You can make these calls to any landline number and mobile number in UK. The only thing required is the person you are calling should accept the reverse call charges.

For making a reverse call you need to dial the number of the service provider from any landline or mobile phone in UK and enter the number of the person you want to call when the system prompts you to do so. Some reverse call systems may require you to record your name after you have entered the number to call. Simply speak out your name clearly. If the telephone number you have entered is valid you will hear a message telling you to wait while your call gets connected. On the other end, the receiver will be informed about incoming call and the reverse call charges. The reverse call charges usually include the connecting charges and the rate per minute. The receiver will be required to accept the call by pressing any number on their phone and recording "Yes, I accept". You will be connected to the called party once they agree to pay the charges. The reverse call charges are collected through a Premium SMS after the call is completed. No charges are charged if the call fails to go through or declined by the called party.

Some reverse charge call services like 0800-MUMDAD or 08000-686-323 also offer free reverse calls to home. You can make up to 2 free calls to your home per month. Reverse calls are the best way to remain in touch with your loved ones when you have a limited budget or in case of emergencies.  

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